“Looking Up” Art Exhibit at VCA Alexandria Animal Hospital

Exhibit Dates: January 27 – May 31, 2020

Birds of a Feather by Monica Hokeilen
“Birds of a Feather” by Monica Hokeilen

The Looking Up exhibit at the Veterinary Clinics of America Alexandria Animal Hospital (VCA Alexandria) features artwork of objects seen above our horizon, such as sunsets, clouds, birds, trees, starry nights, and more; as well as artwork that creates an optimistic or uplifting response, conveys an inspiring message, or represents an aspirational goal or standard. Looking Up is a Del Ray Artisans’ Gallery Without Walls (GWW) members-only exhibit that is family-friendly and helps to lighten or lift the viewer.

Artists are donating 20% of the purchase price of sold pieces to Del Ray Artisans, who is splitting the donation with VCA Alexandria’s charity of choice, the Wildlife Rescue League. The Wildlife Rescue League cares for sick, injured and orphaned wildlife with the intent of releasing them back into their native habitat. Del Ray Artisans and the Wildlife Rescue League are 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations.

Patrons may view the artwork from January 27 through May 31, 2020 at VCA Alexandria, 2660 Duke St, Alexandria, VA 22314, during regular business hours and at the discretion of hospital staff. Regular hours are Monday through Friday 8am–8pm, Saturday 8am–3pm, and closed Sunday.

For more information, please visit DelRayArtisans.org/exhibits/gww or contact the curators Stephanie Frederick and Monica Hokeilen (GWW@DelRayArtisans.org) or Director of Curating Brittany Gabel (Curating@DelRayArtisans.org).

Del Ray Artisans, founded in 1992, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote art for the benefit of artists and the community.

Del Ray Artisans (DRA) appreciates the continued support from the City of Alexandria, Alexandria Commission for the Arts, Virginia Commission for the Arts, and National Endowment for the Arts. DRA is a 501(c)(3) organization.

Short Blurb – 35 words or fewer

The “Looking Up” exhibit promotes artwork that lightens or lifts the viewer. Now (January 27 – May 31, 2020) at the Veterinary Clinics of America (VCA) Alexandria Animal Hospital, 2660 Duke St, Alexandria, VA. DelRayArtisans.org/exhibits/gww

Synopsis – 75 words or fewer

The “Looking Up” art exhibit at the Veterinary Clinics of America Alexandria Animal Hospital (VCA Alexandria, 2660 Duke St, Alexandria, VA) runs January 27 – May 31, 2020. This exhibit features artwork by local artists depicting objects seen above our horizon, as well as artwork that creates an optimistic or uplifting response, conveys an inspiring message, or represents an aspirational goal or standard. Artwork by Del Ray Artisans members. Details: DelRayArtisans.org/exhibits/gww