Creative Summer Programs (Proposals due 4/30/2019)

Call for Instructors for
Creative Summer Programs at Del Ray Artisans
June – August 2019

First deadline for proposals: Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Lynn Fernandez teaches Leatherworking
Lynn Fernandez teaching Leatherworking at Del Ray Artisans, Summer 2018

Seeking instructors for creative classes & workshops at Del Ray Artisans during the summer months (June, July, and August 2019). Demonstrations, speaking engagements, free and fee-based programs, hands-on art classes, and more are all welcome! Tailor your program for the experienced artist or the beginner—for adults, children, families, seniors, or all age groups. We are filling the gallery with awesome, artful programs all summer long.

Submit your proposal by midnight on Tuesday, April 30 to be included in the first round of program selection and marketing for Del Ray Artisans’ 2019 Creative Summer Programs. Contact with any questions.

Proposal Form