Exhibit Dates: May 5-28, 2017
Opening Reception: Friday, May 5 from 7-9pm
They say “a picture is worth a thousand words.” The Speak Your Mind art exhibit celebrates the relationship between art and the human mind as a form of nonverbal communication. For some, visual arts are a platform for advocacy, a way to raise awareness of a social cause, or to express a political message. Art is a means of self-expression when it portrays emotions, thoughts, or a state of mind. For others, the process of making art is itself a form of therapy to improve mental health or as an exercise in mindfulness. This show coincides with Mental Health Awareness Month.
Please join us for the opening reception on Friday, May 5 from 7-9pm to meet the curators and some of the artists and enjoy the unveiling of the exhibit.
The Speak Your Mind exhibit runs May 5–28, 2017 at Del Ray Artisans gallery in the Colasanto Center, 2704 Mount Vernon Avenue, Alexandria, Virginia 22301. Gallery hours are: First Thursdays (April-September) 12-9pm, Thursdays 12-6pm, Fridays 12-9pm, Saturdays 12-9pm, and Sundays 12-6pm. The gallery is free, open to the public, and handicap accessible.
For more information, please visit www.DelRayArtisans.org/exhibits or contact the curators Kath Gayle (kathgaylemail@gmail.com) and Rebecca Barnes (atermofart@gmail.com) or Director of Curating Kathy Turner (Curating@DelRayArtisans.org).
Del Ray Artisans, founded in 1992, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote art for the benefit of artists and the community.
Del Ray Artisans (DRA) appreciates the continued support from the City of Alexandria, Alexandria Commission for the Arts, Virginia Commission for the Arts, and National Endowment for the Arts. DRA is a 501(c)(3) organization.
Short Blurb – 35 words or fewer
Speak Your Mind offers an outlet to craft a visual language for mental impressions, expressing what goes on in our minds. Art Exhibit May 5-28; Reception: Friday, May 5, 7-9pm. www.DelRayArtisans.org/exhibits
Synopsis – 75 words or fewer
In Speak Your Mind (May 5-28), artists express the message of what they see, feel or think through art. Art is an outlet for creativity and a visual language to address complex mental impressions. Artists relate this to mental health, or to make a social, political or emotional statement through visual media. Opening reception: Friday, May 5, 7-9pm at Del Ray Artisans Gallery, 2704 Mount Vernon Avenue, Alexandria. Details: www.DelRayArtisans.org/exhibits